What is Goliath birdeater?
The Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) falls to the Tarantula group which is the largest spider group on the planet, weighing up to 6 ounces. It can reaches to a height of approximately 11 inches, has a fist-sized body and is comparable only to the spindly Great Huntsman in leg length. Female lives up to 20 years. It is an apex predator, which typically waits for prey to cross its course, rather than trying to tracking the prey.
Goliath birdeater Size
The Goliath bird-eating tarantula is the largest global tarantula. With a maximum leg size of 11 inches (28 centimetres) and body reaches up to 4.75 inches (12 centimetres).
Goliath birdeater Bite
Like any tarantula, T. Blondi spiders have fangs wide enough just to split a person's skin (2-4 cm or 0.79-1.57 in). They hold poison in their fangs and, when provoked, they are prone to sting, but the poison is pretty harmless and its results are similar with those of the sting of a wasp. In particular, tarantulas bite people only in self defense, but these biting do not necessarily lead to toxicosis (called a "dry bite").

Goliath birdeater as Pet
A Goliath Birdeater is a good pet by a well trained person who knows how to handle this spider, but for inexperienced it is not recommended. Although the total length of this spider is so large, it needs a much larger ecosystem than other varieties of tarantula, and has larger fangs as well. Please do your analysis first before considering this species as a pet.
Goliath birdeater Facts and Handling
Goliath birdeaters do have vision problems, unlike jumping spiders. Rather, they depend on changed vibration-sensitive leg hair to alert them of danger. The Goliath has an odd tool if a predator like coati comes too close: harpoon-shaped hairs (called urticating hairs) tipped with stinging barbs. The spider rubs its legs together, tossing into the air a shower of miniature projectiles.Â
These urticating hairs are used by female Goliaths to cover their large egg sacs, which contain between 50 and 150 eggs. Hatchlings remain close to their mother until they are two to three years old.
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