Pelvic Hematoma Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, ICD-10 Code for Female & Male

What is Pelvic Hematoma?

A pelvic hematoma is an accumulation of blood outside of the pelvic blood vessels. It happens as a result of blood leaking into the adjacent tissue through a damaged blood vessel wall. The blood will eventually thicken into a clot that creates a lump, or hematoma, and if it grows large enough, it will need to be surgically removed. If the body is unable to heal the damaged blood vessel wall, especially if it is in a high-pressure area such as a major artery, blood will continue to flow into the tissue, causing the hematoma to grow and increasing the likelihood that surgery will be required.

When blood accumulates in a body's tissues, it can become a major irritant, leading to redness, heat, swelling, discomfort, and other symptoms. Due to the proximity of a major artery to the hip joint, pelvic injuries must be handled with extreme caution. 

Pelvic Hematoma Symptoms

Pain, swelling, and discomfort in the pelvic region are some of the symptoms that may be present if you have a pelvic hematoma. In certain instances, a pelvic hematoma may become infected, which may result in the development of additional symptoms such as a high temperature, chills, redness, or warmth in the area. Another sign of a pelvic hematoma is needing to change sanitary pads more frequently than once per hour or experiencing heavy, bright red bleeding. If you have these symptoms, you should seek medical help.

Pelvic Hematoma Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, ICD-10 Code for Female & Male

Pelvic Hematoma Causes

During a hysterectomy, injury to pelvic blood vessels, such as the uterine artery, might result in a pelvic hematoma. Injuries to the pelvic organs can also cause this condition. A pelvic hematoma can also develop as a result of bleeding from a fractured pelvis. Possible contributors to the formation of pelvic hematoma include hormonal imbalances, anovulation, thyroid disease, and polycystic ovary syndrome, among others. A pelvic hematoma may result from intra-abdominal hemorrhage brought on by spontaneous abdominal bleeding.

Pelvic Hematoma Treatment

When the wall of a blood vessel is broken, blood can leak out into the surrounding tissue, forming a deposit of blood known as a pelvic hematoma. Depending on its size and intensity, pelvic hematoma can be treated in a variety of ways. When compared to larger hematomas, smaller hematomas may go away on their own without needing medical attention.

It might be necessary to do surgery to remove the hematoma if it is sufficiently large. The hematoma may occasionally be drained with the aid of a needle. To control hematoma-related pain and discomfort, doctors may prescribe painkillers. Antibiotics may be recommended to treat an infection if the hematoma becomes infected.

A pelvic hematoma can be avoided with proper precautions. After surgery, patients who are susceptible to developing hematomas should be thoroughly watched, and any hematoma-related symptoms should be treated right away. Patients should also follow their doctor's recommendations for post-operative care, which may include staying away from heavy lifting and intense activity.

Pelvic Hematoma ICD-10 Code for Female

ICD-10-CM code O71.7 is a billable/specific code that indicates a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes. O71.7 applies to pregnant patients between the ages of 12 to 55. Female patients are eligible for O71.7. It applies to obstetric hematomas of the perineum, vagina, and vulva.

Pelvic Hematoma ICD-10 Code for Male

N50.1 is the ICD-10-CM code that is used to indicate a pelvic hematoma in males. This code designates hematomas that are not the result of trauma, or nontraumatic hematomas. It is significant to keep in mind that, depending on the situation, greater specificity may be needed as well as the usage of extra codes.

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