Acer freemanni, the Sienna Glen® Maple, is a naturally occurring hybrid spotted on isolated farmland in Lake Elmo, Minnesota. It has a characteristic, straight, pyramidal growth pattern as a young tree that matures into a large pyramid. Sienna grows rapidly and its branches are densely packed, fine-textured, and delicate. It blooms in early spring with stunning red flowers along the branches before the leaves appear.
The wood is tougher, sturdier, and has less sagging. The dark-green leaves are smaller, finer in texture, and have a silvery underside. Sienna Glen® Maple is one of the hardiest red autumn-coloring shade trees available, and its fall color is a blend of yellow, orange, and red. Its characteristic, upright, pyramidal growth habit, which is easily noticeable as a young tree, matures and expands to form a large pyramid.
The Sienna Glen® Maple grows quickly but can endure high winds.The branches are grown closely together along the stem (than Autumn Blaze) and are thinner and more fragile, while the trunk is firmer and shorter, with less sagging. Unlike Autumn Blaze, this beauty tolerates a higher soil PH and does not develop chlorosis.
At maturity, the tree will reach a height of approximately 60' and a width of approximately 40'. The trees thrive in nearly any soil type as long as it is well-drained. Mulching the soil with a 3-inch layer of mulch helps conserve moisture and discourages weed growth. To avoid rot, remove the mulch away a few inches from the trunk.
Sienna Glen Maple Tree Pros
The Sienna Glen® Maple is a great roadway or specimen tree because it can withstand salinity, dryness, flooding, alkaline conditions, and pollution. Its thicker wood and narrower branch angles are less likely to break in heavy winds, and it becomes easier to prune as it becomes older. The tree's denser shape is ideal for patio areas or western exposures.
Sienna Glen® Maple is an excellent choice if you want a fast-growing tree with a spectacular fall display. These trees are seasonal. That means their beautiful green leaves provide shade in the summer and a brilliant display of yellows, oranges, and scarlet in the autumn. Many homeowners choose to plant Sienna Glen® Maples because of their spectacular autumn color.
They grow contentedly in U.S. plant hardiness zones 3 or 4 through 9 and thrive in a wide range of climates. They tolerate a broad range of environments, preferring wet, slightly acidic soils and moderate shade.
Sienna Glen Maple Tree Cons
As with all maples, Sienna Glen® Maples are susceptible to the Tar Spot (Rhystima spp.) fungus, which is simply cosmetic and unlikely to do the tree any lasting damage.
Suckering may occur on previously pruned areas or damaged trunks. While it is preferable to have professional arborist care for your tree, suckers can be clipped as they appear to reduce/eliminate their prominence. Take care not to injure the trunk tissue, since this will result in the formation of additional suckers.
The leaf tissues of Sienna Glen® Maple can be eaten by leaf-hoppers, scale, and other insects. Contact a qualified arborist to design a plant health management plan if you notice significant damage or individual branches dying (also known as Flagging). Fungal illnesses like Verticillium Wilt can cause flagging, which is best detected by an expert.
Sienna Glen Maple Tree Growth Rate
Sienna Glen Maple is a slow-growing tree as compared to other varieties of maple with a more rounded look. The foliage is shaped similarly to that of the Autumn Blaze. It reaches 3 feet per year under excellent conditions. It is more drought and PH tolerant than red maple.
Sienna Glen Maple Tree Pros Problems
- Sienna Glen® Maples, like all maples, are prone to Tar Spot (Rhystima spp.)
- Suckers can be pruned as they appear to reduce/eliminate their prominence. However, it is preferable to having professional arborist care for your tree.
- Leaf-hoppers, scale, and other insects prey on the Sienna Glen® Maple's leaf tissues.
- If you observe substantial damage or individual branches dying, contact a competent arborist to develop a plant health management strategy (also known as Flagging).
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