A genus of the western honey bee is the Carniolan honey bee. The Carniolan bee is found in Serbia, southern areas of Bulgaria, and regions of Romania, Herzegovina, Slovenia, Hungary, Estonia, and Albania.Â
For many factors, it is preferred among beekeepers, not least for its capacity to efficiently protect itself against predatory insects and at the same time being pretty affectionate in its attitude towards beekeepers. Such bees are absolute masters at adjusting the worker community to the availability of nectar. It relies on these rapid shifts in population levels to rapidly increase workers' bee populations after nectar becomes available inÂ
the spring and, again, to rapidly cut off the production of brood when nectar fails to be available in large quantity.There's a high availability of honey and pollen in the middle of the season because there are high bee worker populations. Carniolan honey bees have some resistance to parasites and pests present in other honey bee subspecies.Â
The weight of the Carniolan honey bees is roughly the same as that of the Italian honey bee, but they are physically differentiated by their usually dark brown-grey hue, soothed by streaks of subdued, lighter brown. Their chitin is black, but lighter colorful or brown rings and dots can be seen on their bodies.Â
They are often referred to as the "grey bee". While their abdomen are much slimmer, Carniolan bees are almost as wide and long as Western-European black bees. The Carniolan bee has a very long tongue (6 to 7 millimetres), a very high elbow joint, and very short hair.Â

Carniolan bees pros and cons:
- Considered to be kind and non-confrontational.Â
- Can be preserved in urban areasÂ
- A greater sense of orientation than the Italian honey bee is consideredÂ
- Less migration of bees from a single hive to a nearby hiveÂ
- Particularly in comparison to the Italian honey bee, they are not as susceptible to stealing honey.Â
- Able to tolerate seasonal changes in winter.Â
- Able to comfortably fit into any sort of climate.Â
- Better for long winter areasÂ
- The rapid development of the broods and then reduction of the brood when available forage decreases. Â
- Usage of propolis is minimumÂ
- It resists brood diseases.Â
- Find food early morning and late at night, and on rainy, cold days.Â
- In-work life expectancy is 12% longer than normal.Â
- More likely to swarm if overcrowdedÂ
- Low potential to flourish in warm summer weatherÂ
- The intensity of the brood nest is linked to the availability of pollen.Â
- It's hard to locate the dark queen unless labeled.
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