Underground propane tank Pros and cons, Regulations, Installation

There are an entirely different dynamics and standards for underground propane tanks that must be implemented when assembling one of these LPG tanks. Underground tanks have sophisticated design options that enable propane to be stored underneath the consumer yard's surface. Tank Systems that are equipped for above ground operation are forbidden to be placed underground.

A propane tank would be the same type of fitting as a tank mounted above ground. They are designed and run in the same way as an above-ground tank. 

Although the tank fixtures, valves and ties between the propane tanks are the same,  their location on the tank is distinct. Propane tank above ground would normally have a relief valve and fuel withdrawal valve positioned on opposite sides. The underground tank has all fittings and connections set up in the middle so that they are shielded by the dome walls and the cover. For evident purposes, a propane tank built and designated as a ground propane tank is not allowed to be underground.

Due to the variations in the conditions in which underground propane tanks are placed, steps must be taken to enhance the serviceability of such tanks.

Underground propane tank Pros and cons, Regulations, Installation

Earth is a natural electrical current that exists in both water and ground. The currents adversely affect metal artefacts in the ground or in the sea. Electrolysis is damage done to metal structures by boring holes into them. In order to avoid the degrading effect that occurs, underground propane tanks are sensitive to electrolysis and must be secured.

To avoid electrolysis, an anode bag is tied to the tank with metal wire before placing in the ground. This sacrificial anode bag extracts the electrical current from the ground, which would otherwise cause harm to the tank. In short, in an underwater environment, the sacrificial anode bag serves as a "decoy" for the destructive currents that can damage a tank.

An underground propane tank's outermost layers are in continuous contact with an atmosphere that can be highly harmful. For this purpose, a protective layer must be added to the exterior surface of the container and protected with a substance that will not damage the interior of the underground propane tank. While propane tanks built for underground usage are sprayed at their point of production with a protective coating, if the soil consists of rocks and/or abrasive materials, the container may be damaged during deployment.

Underground tanks are built to operate in extreme conditions, but the anode bag can not sufficiently shield the tank from underground currents if the soil is made of a substance such as gravel (which can tear off protective coating of the tanks). For this purpose, after deployment, sand or firm earth free from stones and abrasives must be used to fill an underground tank.

Underground propane tanks must be mounted in a way that they are not in the way of vehicles. For example, it is not a good idea to place a propane tank under the area where a driveway is to be built in, nor is it legal to do so. The underground tank must be put in a location where something other than soil and earth would not be beneath it.

Tank sizes ranging from 20-lb to tanks that can store more than 2,000 gallons. The size of your propane tank depends on the width of your home and the type and length of propane-based equipment.

In deciding your propane tank size, your geographical location and surrounding environment may also play a significant role. A tank for heating in milder climates, for example, may not need to be as large as a heating tank in a colder environment. 

It is necessary to remember that a propane tank can only be filled to 80%. The information on the tank will reflect how many total gallons you get when full.

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