Lice are small, wingless, host-living insects nourish on the surface of the scalp and potentially cause itching. They crawl from one head to the next, evident among children, and are thus spread easily through direct contact with infected and by sharing valuables.
Although the eggs or nits mimic pussy willow buds, the adults look like sesame seeds. Lice can not be shrugged or rubbed off the hair, unlike dandruff flakes. Parents may worry that having lice implies poor hygiene, but it is not a factor for cleanliness. Lice and flees both are featherless pests, but in every aspect, they are notably different.
Although fleas relate to the class Siphonaptera, in the order Phthiraptera, there are lice. Fleas are real pests that survive on the blood of birds and mammals. Some lice organisms, such as fleas, are parasites that suck the blood or live on living skin. There are also other lice species that survive on dead tissues that are mutualistic scavengers.

Both the fleas and the lice keep moving about like a grasshopper when talking about motion. But the distinction in their motion is that, like fleas, lice may not move around very much.
The fleas have an outwards compressed body that assists in animal's hair to move quickly. They have very long legs; notably, the rear pair, like a grasshopper, is well suited for quick leaping. A flea is assumed to leap 133 times its very own height. Pets are strongly associated with fleas. The Fleas are known to reside in very particular areas on the body of the animal, such as under the armpits and where it is hot behind the ears.
The lice have a body that, for their entire life, is adjusted to life in the host. They have very sturdy legs and claws that enable them to stick to the fur and wings of the host.
While the fleas are flat, the lice are tiny and ovoid. There are also numerous shades for the two "fleas and lice. The lice are dark grey, and the fleas are usually dark reddish-brown. It is not clear that lice carry diseases, although fleas are proven to transmit diseases.
The body of the fleas is shiny, hard, with hair and slender backward spines. The body of the flea is sturdy and can endure any major pressure. Fleas can also sting individuals, and the fleas usually strike around the ankles.
The fleas lay white eggs, and the lice lay brown to coffee-colored eggs, although the eggs of both the fleas and lice are oval-shaped. But the eggs of the lice change color after hatching.
Unlike fleas, a surprising degree of host specificity is considered to be demonstrated by Lice. This implies that in a single host, most individual lice will spend their entire lifespan.  Head lice are the most widespread lice found in the body.
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