Weight of average donkey

Depending on their age and race, the weight of the donkey may differ, but an average donkey would weigh anywhere from 100-500 kg. For example, a standard size donkey could weigh 165 kg relative to a small donkey that could weigh 144 kg. Our own herd includes different shapes and sizes.

It can be very helpful for tracking their overall health to keep a regular record of the weight and general state of your donkey. We suggest that this is done monthly so that if any issues occur, you can easily spot them.

For donkeys over the age of 2, using measures of height and girth, their weight can be calculated. Using our weight matrix, simply by graphing their measurements on the graph, you can estimate the weight of your donkey. A donkey 104 cm tall, for example, with a heart girth of 122 cm, could weigh 181 kg.

Consult your veterinarian first to find out any potential health conditions if you find that your donkey is underweight. It may be linked to a variety of factors, such as prior neglect, maturity level, gum disease, a period of the year, the nature of your food, or even a missing friend.

To track weight loss/gain, donkeys should be weighed, and conditions scored regularly. The provision of shelter is necessary if your donkey is underweight, but you can also recommend a donkey rug to keep your donkey warm during the colder months. Underweight donkeys should not be overfed initially, and any changes in their diet should be incremental.

Weight of average donkey

It's important that you fix the problem as soon as possible if your donkey becomes overweight. At no more than 5 kg per month, weight loss should be incremental and is accomplished by selecting suitable feeds that are low in energy but high in protein.

Don't starve an overweight donkey because it can cause excessive stress or hyperlipaemia. Feed 'little and often' to ensure that your donkey eats as they would in the wild to trickle

High fiber nuts can be replaced for training aids and use non-feed boredom breakers such as old wellies and horse toys to stop cereal-based feeds and sugary treats.

Consider the management of grazing-donkeys may gain weight on grass, so a bare paddock or sand school could be more suitable.

Place feeders, water, and shelter to facilitate your donkey's optimum movement during the day.

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