Prostatomegaly Mild

Prostatomegaly is a medical condition in which the prostate gland becomes abnormally large in size. It usually occurs after 40 to 45 years of age. It is also known as benign prostate hyperplasia BPH. Prostatomegaly is the enlargement of prostate gland which is present near urethra. Prostate gland is small in size and muscular in nature. It can be easily examined in physical examination. It is soft on touch.

Prostatomegaly Mild

Prostate gland when increase in size it compresses urethra. Due to compression, the urethra is not able to pass greater amount of urine and this leads to urianry retention. Urinary retention is a condition in which the low volume of urine is passed through urethra and most of the volume remains in bladder. This is the main complication regarding prostatomegaly. Talking about symptoms of prostatomegaly, it is divided in to three main types i.e. mild, moderate and severe prostatomegaly. And on the basis of these three categories, these are termed as grade 1, grade 2 and grade 3 prostatomegaly respectively.

In mild state or grade 1 prostatomegaly, the symptoms are mild and does not require treatment. There are some lifestyle modifications which should be followed to cover mild symptoms of prostatomegaly. Prostatomegaly is the increase in size of prostate gland, so when the size enlarges from 33 cc, it is counted as prostatomegaly. 33 cc is equals to 30 grams. When prostate gland start multiplying, the mild symptoms start appearing. Symptoms like weak stream of urine, leakage of urine or inconvenience, nocturia (i.e. the need of urination increases almost 2 to 3 times per night), patient may start experiencing dripping of urine at the end of urination everytime.

The bladder is not completely empty, because of compression of urethra. Sometimes patient find it hard to control urine because he feels sudden urge to urinate. The stream of urine is weak. Patient experience pain in lower abdominal region and in urethra during urination. This pain is mild and bearable. Patient does not have to take medication. This is the mild state of prostatomegaly which is also known as grade 1 prostatomegaly. These symptoms does not require treatment and can be treated by following some life style modifications.

These modifications include quiting of  medications which are responsible for causing prostatomegaly. These medications has a side effect i.e. enlargement of prostate gland. The enlargement of prostate gland also leads to fertility issues. Prostate gland is responsible for the production of semen in men. Semen is important for the transfer of sperms to the ovary of women. And forms zygote.

In prostatomegaly, the prostate gland increases in size and the production of semen is disturbed. Ultimately it leads to the infertility in men. Infertility is the condition achieved in severe form of prostatomegaly. Due to decreased production of semen, there may be hyperspermia or hypospermia. In hyperspermia, the concentration of sperms is higher but dead and in case of hypospermia, there is low volume of sperms leading to infertility and many other issues.